陕西镇巴一面包车翻入山沟 4人死亡6人受伤

中国东北陕西省一面包车翻车,至少4人死亡,6人受伤。事故于周五上午9:25分发生,车上共10人,面包车在镇巴县掉入一深200米的深沟。At least four people have been killed and six others injured after a bus overturned in northwest


At least four people have been killed and six others injured after a bus overturned in northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

The accident took place at 9:25 a.m. Friday when the bus, with 10 people on board, fell into a 200-meter deep ravine in Zhenba County.

The six injured people, four of whom were severely hurt, have been rescued. All the injured were sent to hospital.

An investigation into the accident is underway.

