94岁参加马拉松 成全球最老选手

Harriette Thompson, 94, set record on Sunday at the Rock 'N' Roll Marathon in San Diego, as the oldest woman to complete a half-marathon.Thompson, wearing purple T-shirt and white hat, was surrounded by photograp

Harriette Thompson, 94, set record on Sunday at the Rock 'N' Roll Marathon in San Diego, as the oldest woman to complete a half-marathon.

Thompson, wearing purple T-shirt and white hat, was surrounded by photographers and players when she reached the final line, finishing her incredible journey in an official time of 3:42’56”.

The previous record was held by Gladys Burrill, 93 years old in 2012.

Gladys Burrill /AP Photo‍

Thompson, a two-time cancer survivor, broke the world record in 2015 as the oldest woman to complete a full marathon.

"I never thought I would still be here!" Thompson said before the match, saying she ran to raise money for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.

Harriette Thompson, 92, in the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon in San Diego, May 31, 2015. /VCG Photo

She said she had raised 100,000 US dollars for the organization, including 15,000 US dollars in 2017.

She said her secret to a healthy life at her age was exercise on a regular basis and a balanced diet. Though she admitted it was hard for her to resist sugar.

"I might have to reward myself after the race with an ice cream cone," she grins. 

(Source: Xinhua News Agency) 

