双语新闻:社科院表示 明年可能不再有小长假

Recently, the National Holiday Collection holidays holiday arrangements opinion survey officially ended, commissioned by the Holiday Office, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Research Center of Tourism Analysis of surve

Recently, the National Holiday Collection holidays holiday arrangements opinion survey officially ended, commissioned by the Holiday Office, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Research Center of Tourism Analysis of survey data collation work has already begun. The center special researcher Liu SM said, for people do not reflect the holiday days off problem is possible, but unlikely to adjust the Golden Week.

experts predict

Days off out of the small holiday or restore normal

Academy of Social Sciences Research Center, deputy director of the Dai Xuefeng Tourism said that the survey data analysis has begun, a complete analysis of the outcome will be reported to the National Holiday Office announced.

For the masses tucao holiday days off, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences researcher Liu SM Tourism Research Center, said a small holiday days off is not possible to achieve. Liu SM said that China's 11 national holiday festival, New Year, Tomb Sweeping Day, May Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and so is the one day holiday weekend before the formation by adjusting three days by small holiday, from stimulating consumption is concerned, three days leave and 2 days weekend is not very different from the tourists will travel and travel plans, only seven days holiday and weekend is not the same can bring qualitative change. Therefore, to ensure the total annual number of vacation days under the same premise, is no longer a small holiday off, and instead the normal vacation, from public opinion or economic demand are possible.





Alone is difficult to recover fifty-one fake online survey

Restore the golden week is the highest voice users in the survey's recommendations. Liu SM believes that only through the web-based survey on the restoration of the golden week is not realistic. Liu SM said that the web-based survey analysis is not a statutory holiday reform program, in the past in order to adjust the national Golden Week are required to make a very rigorous research before deciding to investigate means to be rich, the sample size should be large enough sample survey population must be reasonable and so on.

China Tourism Research Institute Dr. Huang Huang said that the current Golden Week has become an essential national security rigid travel demand, but also the countries to stimulate domestic demand and promoting consumption of a large weapon. Also useful for people to contribute to a longer holiday leisure upgrade requirements, comprehensive look unlikely because no days off and cancel the existing Golden Week.




Next year may be delayed announcement holiday arrangements

It is understood that the end of December last year, the following year's holiday arrangements will be announced. Liu SM believes that this year this time may be delayed. Golden Week this year exposed the many problems, the National Holiday of the survey questionnaire was more a response to public opinion. The findings of the analysis is not difficult, the key is whether the National Holiday Office and the State Department as a reference to fine-tune arrangements for the holiday.

Liu SM explained holiday arrangements are not published at the end there is a precedent. 1999 identified increased 51, 11 Golden Week is not the end of the decision, so from this year's situation, the country might not be too hasty to make decisions, even if only fine-tuning may wait until next year after extensive discussion on the two sessions then make a decision.

