中英双语新闻:莫斯科发生骚乱 380人被拘捕

Street protests have broken out in southern Moscow following the murder of a young man. Demonstrators vandalized a shopping centre and scuffled with police over the murder which they blame on a migrant from the Caucasus.

Street protests have broken out in southern Moscow following the murder of a young man. Demonstrators vandalized a shopping centre and scuffled with police over the murder which they blame on a migrant from the Caucasus.

Protests began peacefully until a group of young men began smashing windows in the shopping centre. The crowd grew to number several thousand and demonstrators scuffled with police when they tried to make arrests. Later the crowd moved from the shopping centre and overran a vegetable warehouse where many migrants from the Caucasus and Central Asia are employed. The police have arrested about 380 during the unrest.

Moscow has stepped up security in the downtown areas. Media reported that the entrance to Manezhnaya Square outside the Kremlin complex was closed and the square was cordoned off with metal fences. Additional police forces and cars were deployed to patrol the streets.






