中国通胀担忧缓解 推高股市(双语)

Investor confidence in impending good news on Chinese inflation lifted the Shanghai market to its biggest gain in five weeks, helping to propel Asian stocks to 30-month peaks, whileSeoulhitrecordhighs. 有关即将公布的中国

Investor confidence in impending good news on Chinese inflation lifted the Shanghai market to its biggest gain in five weeks, helping to propel Asian stocks to 30-month peaks, while Seoul hit record highs.


Beijing is due to release much-awaited consumer price inflation figures on Thursday but talk in the markets was of an early leak that revealed a cooling in China’s economy.


“Investors seem to know the economic numbers due to be released [on Thursday],” Wang Zheng, of Jingxi Investment Management, told Bloomberg. “The rally reflects easing concern about inflation.”

精熙投资管理有限公司(Jingxi Investment Management)的王征向彭博社(Bloomberg)表示:“投资者似乎知道将(于周四)发布的经济数字。市场的上涨反映出通胀担忧的缓解。”

The Shanghai Composite jumped 1.8 per cent to 2,758.10 while the pan- regional FTSE Asia-Pacific index rose 1 per cent to 270.30, its highest level since June 2008.

上证综合指数上涨1.8%,至2758.10点;富时亚太指数(FTSE Asia-Pacific index)上涨1%,至270.30点,为2008年6月以来最高水平。

A positive start to the US earnings season was also underpinning sentiment, added Prasad Patkar, of Platypus Asset Management, but he cautioned: “China’s economy is robust but it’ll take at least six months of strong data to silence those calling a policy-induced hard landing.”

Platypus Asset Management的普拉萨德•帕特卡尔(Prasad Patkar)补充表示,美国业绩公布季节的良好开局也提振了市场人气。但他告诫称:“中国经济充满活力,但至少需要6个月的强劲数据才能平息那些呼吁政策引导的硬着陆的呼声。”

Industrial stocks led the Shanghai rally on relief that policy tightening threats to growth were receding.


Railcar makers CSR and China CNR jumped by the 10 per cent daily limit on a report that they might win UK orders worth nearly $800bn. CSR hit a record high of Rmb8.66 while CNR rose to Rmb8.77, the highest since the stock began trading more than a year ago.


China Shipping Container Lines surged 7.4 per cent to Rmb4.78, the most in nearly three months, after saying profit was better than expected because of a recovery in its global industry.

中海集运(China Shipping  Container Lines)跃升7.4%,收于4.78元,创下近3个月来最高水平。该公司此前宣布,由于全球航运市场复苏,公司盈利超出预期。


