
周三土耳其主要灾难紧急救济署(AFAD)称周六发生的土耳其西南部的大地震已致459人死亡,1,352人受伤。(AFAD)表示约3,346救援部门被派遣到受灾省份。ANKARA -The death toll from Sunday's powerful earthquake in southeast Turkey ha


ANKARA - The death toll from Sunday's powerful earthquake in southeast Turkey has risen to 459 and the number of the injured to 1,352, the Turkish Prime Ministry's Disaster and Emergency Administration (AFAD) said Tuesday.

about 3,346 search and rescue personnel were dispatched to the quake-hit province of Van in southeastern Turkey, said AFAD.

A two-week-old baby was rescued from the rubbles in the Ercis district of Van province Tuesday, almost two days after the 7.2- magnitude earthquake, one of Turkey's most powerful quakes in a decade, local newspaper Today's Zaman reported on its website.

Hundreds of others are believed to be trapped under rubbles and rescue work is ongoing, Turkish NTV reported.

The earthquake, which occurred Sunday afternoon, led to the collapse of about 80 multi-storey buildings in Ercis, a town of 75, 000 people close to the Iranian border. The region is among Turkey 's most earthquake-prone zones.

Turkey refused assistance from other countries, saying that foreign aid is not currently needed.

