
The attorney-generals of Maryland and the US capital Washington D.C. said on Sunday night that they will file a major lawsuit against President Donald Trump based on their allegation that he has violated constitutional a

The attorney-generals of Maryland and the US capital Washington D.C. said on Sunday night that they will file a "major lawsuit" against President Donald Trump based on their allegation that he has violated constitutional anti-corruption clauses by accepting payments of foreign governments since moving into the White House.

The suit to be unveiled Monday centers on the so-called emoluments clause, which bans US officials from taking gifts or benefits from foreign governments.

Since taking power in January, Trump has turned day-to-day control over his real estate empire and other assets to his adult sons, but not sold them off as many in America said he should to avoid conflicts of interest.

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh said the case is about Trump's failure to separate his personal interests from his presidential duties.

The suit will seek an injunction to force Trump to stop violating the Constitution, but will leave it up to the court to decide how that should be accomplished. 

