
CCTV9英语新闻:巴西民众拜海之女神祈求新年祝福Worshippers ask goddess Yemanja for New Year blessingsIn Brazil, thousands gathered Saturday at Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro to honour Yemanja, the Candomble Goddess of


Worshippers ask goddess Yemanja for New Year blessings

In Brazil, thousands gathered Saturday at Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro to honour Yemanja, the Candomble Goddess of the sea.

The worshippers danced and sang, giving thanks for blessings received in 2013, and asked for more blessings in the year to come. As part of the ceremony, statues of the Goddess were paraded and drenched in champagne, and small boats laden with gifts were set afloat in the sea.

Candomble dominated the religious lives of roughly 3.5 million African slaves brought to Brazil between 1550 and 1850. Its followers believe that a vital force can be found in all things.


In Brazil, thousands gathered Saturday at Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro

to honour Yemanja, the Candomble Goddess of the sea.

