
Chinas foreign exchange reserves jumped by a record $199bn (153bn, 127bn) in the last quarter of 2010, taking the total to $2,850bn and underlining the continuing imbalances in the global economy. 2010年末季,中国外汇储

China’s foreign exchange reserves jumped by a record $199bn (€153bn, £127bn) in the last quarter of 2010, taking the total to $2,850bn and underlining the continuing imbalances in the global economy.


Already the largest in the world, China’s reserves rose by 18.7 per cent during 2010, including an increase of $194bn in the third quarter.


Although the monthly trade surplus dropped in December, the continued strong increases in foreign exchange reserves will bolster the case of critics calling for a more rapid appreciation of the renminbi.


The central bank intervenes in the market by buying foreign exchange with renminbi to hold down the value of its currency, and the foreign exchange it buys ends up in its reserves. Currency and trade issues are likely to feature when Hu Jintao, the president, makes a state visit to the US next week.


The rise in reserves is complicating the management of monetary policy at a time when strong bank lending and a rising money supply are adding to inflationary pressures. “China’s continued strong bank lending and massive reserve accumulation could be bellwethers of trouble to come,” said Eswar Prasad, former head of the International Monetary Fund’s China division.

在强劲的银行放贷势头和持续上升的货币供应加剧了通胀压力之时,外汇储备的上升将使货币政策管理变得更为复杂。“中国持续强劲的银行放贷和大规模外汇储备积累,可能是即将出现问题的先兆,”国际货币基金组织(IMF)中国部前主任埃斯瓦•普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)表示。

The central bank said the total stock of new loans in 2010 was Rmb1,650bn less than the amount issued in 2009, but some analysts believe the official figures understate the true scale of bank lending.


“Talk of a substantial slowdown in credit growth in China is premature, but understandable given the visible drop in official figures on net new loans,” said Charlene Chu, head of financial institution ratings at Fitch in China, in December.

“现在说中国信贷增长大幅放缓还为时过早,但鉴于官方净新增贷款数据显著下降,这是可以理解的,”惠誉(Fitch)中国金融机构评级主管朱夏莲(Charlene Chu)去年12月曾表示。

Fitch argues Chinese banks simply offloaded trillions of renminbi in loans from their balance sheets in 2010 by artificially reducing their holdings of discounted bills and by repackaging loans into investment products for sale to investors.


