Iraqi forces prepare for final push to take Mosul

Iraqi security forces are trying to contain ISIL fighters within Mosul's Old City ahead of a major offensive. Government forces had previously attempted to clear Mosul before the start of Ramadan, but have met with f

Iraqi security forces are trying to contain ISIL fighters within Mosul's Old City ahead of a major offensive. Government forces had previously attempted to clear Mosul before the start of Ramadan, but have met with fierce resistance.

With ISIL surrounded in the Old City, Iraqi forces are preparing for a major offensive to retake their final enclave. But the process of retaking Mosul is being hindered, as residents are being used as human shields by the terrorists.

Iraqi forces and volunteer fighters from the Popular Mobilization Units, commonly known by their Arabic name, Hashd al-Sha’abi, have made significant gains against ISIL since the launch of the Mosul operation on October 17, 2016.

