
CCTV9英语新闻:普京元旦赴伏尔加格勒探望伤者 Putin pays pre-dawn visit to VolgogradRussian President Vladimir Putin made a pre-dawn visit to the city of Volgograd on Wednesday, which is still reeling from two suicide bomb


Putin pays pre-dawn visit to Volgograd

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a pre-dawn visit to the city of Volgograd on Wednesday, which is still reeling from two suicide bombings.


Putin visited a makeshift shrine to the victims, where he placed a bouquet on the pile of flowers and balloons left at the site of the tram bombing. He then visited a hospital where some of the wounded are being treated. The bombings, at the main railway station on Sunday and on a city tram on Monday, killed 34 people and wounded dozens.

No organization has claimed responsibility for either attack, but they came a few months after the leader of an Islamic insurgency in Russia’s south called for such attacks in the run-up to February’s Winter Olympics.


Putin pays pre-dawn visit to Volgograd

