新词新译 J

基本国策 basic state policy; basic national policy基本国情 fundamental realities of the country 基本建成覆盖城乡、功能完善的疾病预防控制和医疗救治体系 establish a fully functioning system for disease prevention and contr

基本国策 basic state policy; basic national policy

基本国情 fundamental realities of the country

基本建成覆盖城乡、功能完善的疾病预防控制和医疗救治体系 establish a fully functioning system for disease prevention and control and for emergency medical aid that covers both urban andrural areas

基本路线要管一百年 The basic line must be followed unswervingly for a very long time to come.

基本人权 fundamental human rights

基本养老金社会化发放 retirees receive their basic pension through social security channels

基本医疗保险制度 basic medical insurance system

基本月租费 basic monthly fee (charges)

基层工作 grass-roots work

基层监督 grass-roots supervision

基层民主 democracy at the grassroots level

基层文化建设 primary-level cultural undertakings

基层组织 organizations at the grass-roots level, primary-level organization

机场建设费 airport construction fee

既成事实 fait accompli (noun)

继承税 inheritance tax

基础产业 basic industry

基础教育 basic education

基础设施建设 infrastructure construction

基础设施 infrastructure

基础税率 base tariff level

记大过 record a serious demerit

鸡蛋碰石头 like an egg striking a rock; attack… stronger than oneself

基地组织 al-Qaeda group

机电产品 mechanical and electrical products

