
CCTV9英语新闻:黎巴嫩面临巨大恐怖危机Health Minister: Lebanon faces huge crisis of terrorismAfter the latest bomb attack in Beirut, the Lebanese Health Minister said his country is faced with a huge crisis of terrorism,


Health Minister: Lebanon faces huge crisis of terrorism

After the latest bomb attack in Beirut, the Lebanese Health Minister said his country is faced with a huge crisis of terrorism, and a Hezbollah member of parliament says he is certain that the attack is targeted at civilians.


"We are faced with a huge crisis that is hitting the security of people and their lives. We are not in a position to accuse anyone. this is a great battle against terrorism that is not excluding anyone. This terrorism is targeting all the cities, all the people in order to make sectarian disorder among the Lebanese people," Lebanese Health Minister Ali Hassan Khalil said.

"It was targeting civilians. When we look at the time it happened, it was at sunset when people go home, in a residential area, in a working area, so who else could be the target? What is behind it other than sabotage, other than the pictures we are seeing not only in Lebanon but all around the world? The identity is one and the target is one, bearing both the identity of a takfiri group and a Zionist one," Hezbollah MP Bilal Farhat said.

