热带风暴天鹰来袭 菲律宾遇难人数达436

菲律宾南部台风来袭,洪水和山崩使得成千上万人远离家乡,已有400于人遇难,失踪人数尚在统计中。在给路透社的消息中,菲律宾国际红十字会秘书长Gwendolyn Pang称遇难人数估计还会从436人上升。CAGAYAN DE ORO, Philippines - More than

菲律宾南部台风来袭,洪水和山崩使得成千上万人远离家乡,已有400于人遇难,失踪人数尚在统计中。在给路透社的消息中,菲律宾国际红十字会秘书长Gwendolyn Pang称遇难人数估计还会从436人上升。

CAGAYAN DE ORO, Philippines - More than 400 people were killed and an unknown number were missing after a typhoon struck the southern Philippines, causing flash floods and landslides and driving tens of thousands from their homes.

In a text message to Reuters, Gwendolyn Pang, secretary-general of the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC), said the death toll of 436 was expected to rise.

"Our death toll was based on the actual number of bodies that were brought to funeral homes in the two cities that were the hardest hit by the typhoon," Pang said, adding it was difficult to estimate how many were still unaccounted for.

Typhoon Washi, with winds gusting up to 90 kmh (56 mph), barrelled into the resource-rich island of Mindanao late on Friday, bringing heavy rain that also grounded some domestic flights and left wide areas without power.

Emergency workers, soldiers and police were recovering more bodies - most covered in mud - washed ashore in nearby towns.

Pang said nearly 360 bodies had been found in the cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan and about 50 in four other southern provinces. The government's official death toll stood only at 131 people and nearly 270 missing.

Another 21 people drowned on the central island of Negros, the PNRC said.

Hundreds were also unaccounted for, most of them from a coastal village in Iligan. Houses were swept into the sea by floodwaters while people were sleeping inside late on Friday.

The Philippines social welfare department said about 100,000 people were displaced and brought to nearly three dozen shelters in Iligan and Cagayan de Oro.

