CCTV9英语新闻:丹麦挪威派船运出叙利亚化武 中国将护航

CCTV9英语新闻:丹麦挪威派船运出叙利亚化武 中国将护航Chinese frigate to escort chemical arms out of SyriaA Chinese frigate assigned to help escort Syrias stockpile of chemical weapons out of the country has arrived in Cyp

CCTV9英语新闻:丹麦挪威派船运出叙利亚化武 中国将护航

Chinese frigate to escort chemical arms out of Syria

A Chinese frigate assigned to help escort Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons out of the country has arrived in Cyprus.


The Yancheng missile frigate will accompany a Norwegian-Danish convoy in shipping the Syrian government’s chemical arsenal from the port city of Latakia.

The transport was originally scheduled to leave before December 31st. But that deadline was missed because of poor weather, logistical delays and the conflict inside Syria. The ships are now waiting for the go-ahead from international watchdogs overseeing the weapons disposal.

Chinese and Cypriot officials said it was unclear when exactly the removal would begin. But the Chinese ambassador to Syria said China continues to support the disarmament plan.

"China supports the efforts of the international community to destroy the Syrian chemical weapons and we come to Cyprus to participate in this international operation," said Liu Xinsheng, Chinese ambassador to Cyprus.

