Germany's compulsory measles vaccination for children in day-care centers and schools will remain in force, the country's Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) ruled on Thursday.德国联邦宪法法院(BVerfG)周四裁定,

Five artists reinterpreted William Hogarth’s 1751 painting to give a fresh take on ginBack in 1751, English artist William Hogarth published twin prints, Gin Lane and Beer Street, to depict the ‘evils’ of gin drinking
Did you know that every time musicians pick up their instruments, there are fireworks going off all over their brain?知道每当音乐家弹奏他们的乐器时,他们脑里是到处在施放烟火吗?On the outside, they may look calm and focu
你要是想观赏生活在英国的蝴蝶,那可得快点了。英国蝴蝶保护协会(Butterfly Conservation)的一份报告警告说,58种蝴蝶中有24种可能很快就会从英国消失。The modern world is not proving to be kind to our butterflies. The wild gras
英国人怎样说 “累”?学习四个说法内容简介在长时间的工作、学习后,难免会感到疲惫不堪。英语中,人们常用 “tired” 来形容 “感到累”。英国人在日常口语交流时,还使用哪些表示 “累” 的说法?“筋疲力尽”、“累垮了” 怎么说?看

Monday[ 'mndi, 'mndei ] 星期一Tuesday[ 'tju:zdi ] 星期二Wednesday[ 'wenzdei, 'wenzdi ] 星期三Thursday[ 'θ:zdi ] 星期四Friday[ 'fraidi ] 星期五Saturday[ 'stdi ] 星期六Sunday[ 'sndi ]

21.yellow dog:悲哀的人。22.brown paper:牛皮纸。23.brown rice:糙米。24.brown sugar:红糖。25.brown study:空想。26.grey sister:修女。 hot hot:麻辣烫。28.the salt of the earth:高尚的人。29.Sunday painter:业余

1.see red:愤怒。 blooded:精力充沛。 gold:纯金。 fish:鲑鱼。 tea:红茶。6.the black art:魔术。 sheep:害群之马。 ball:反对票。 coffee:不加奶的咖啡(white coffee:加奶的咖